tube amps with El 34s your favorites ??

Just wondering, what EL34 based tube amps stick out in your mind as being musical, fun to listen to etc...any, old, doesn't matter...any thoughts ?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
My VTL MB-125's are wonderful. They do everything I can ask for... Smooth and rich but detailed and defined. Great soundstaging and depth... then there's always the triode switch for the added evening relaxation mood. Completely reliable, stable (and easy) bias adjustment... Simply a pleasure to live with and a great value. A winner!
Eico HF-89 - although I am currently running my modded version with TS 6550s in triode mode. It did sound very good with the Mullard xf2s that came with the amp; but alas one of them gave up the ghost after one week of use and the EH EL34s that I had lying around sounded like crap in it.
While I had it in my system the Cary V12i was a nice sounding EL-34 based tube amp. You could also experiment with other output tubes as well.