The VTL preamp I purchased used fried the power transformer within playing music for 25hrs. This is very heart breaking to me and will make me much more cautious in purchasing used equipment in the future. Bea over at VTL says to me that it's in great looking shape at which point I agree and also comment that it's surprising this happened. Should I look into cleaner power such as using a conditioner before connecting to the apartment wall?
Very sad times I tell ya not to have tunes at the moment very sad. In the mean time I have chucked out a bunch of bills to get a mapleshade samson v.1 equipment rack after realizing the terrible crap that is the Lovan hollow metal tubed MDF 3/4in fiberboard I once started out with upon getting my first system.
Very sad times I tell ya not to have tunes at the moment very sad. In the mean time I have chucked out a bunch of bills to get a mapleshade samson v.1 equipment rack after realizing the terrible crap that is the Lovan hollow metal tubed MDF 3/4in fiberboard I once started out with upon getting my first system.