Tube Preamplifier Time

First of all I'd like to say thanks to all you guys that contribute and share opinions on hi-fi gear as well as all the wonderfull music you've listened to. My musical tastes are all over the map including progressive rock, experimental & classic jazz, and I've just recently ventured into the wide world of clasical. I cant quite explain it but the mood that the latter style mentioned puts me in is completely different than that of any other musical enjoyment I've experienced. My setup currently consists of a pair of Thiel CS2.4 spks, Krell
KAV-A150a amplifier, Rotel RCD-1072, and a Marantz AV-550 preamp/processor all in a dedicated room w/9x10X11ft. dimensions. I guess the question that I have is what would you consider replacing the preamp with in a system like this that I've put together? I think that currently it plays to great enjoyment for my ears but have heard tubed preamps and no doubt want the company. Upon listening to a few models more than a year ago with no cash to purchase at the time I decided for example that the VTL5.5 was more up my alley than say a CarySL98(I believe that's the model) due to how warm the cary sounded. I would prefer to keep the cost below 3K if at all possible

Thanks ahead, Chris

Thanks for the replies guys!
I appreciate your words in relation to striving for what sounds like similar characteristics and am glad to know I'm understood and making some kind of sense when describing my systems sound and what I no longer hear without the solid state pre.
When I listened to the pre originally when auditioning the spks. that I purchased from the dealer brand new I kinda had a hunch that the combination would satisfy me. On a later visit and broke as a joke I still had dreams of getting the dreadfull marantz thingy out and a tube pre in which my dealer recommended for real Hi-Fi when I took the plunge for the Thiels. Major finacial recovery time it took me after dropping 4400 on them and a more than a year wait I decided to buy used and also a model lower TL2.5 which I have never heard or demoed. Come to think of it I think that I was originally sold on the spks while listening through a Burmester pre. Now, I totally can understand listening spent with the dealer is precious time and dont believe I could have had a better experience than that with which the gentleman over a Sound by Singer offered. With the courtesy that has always been given to me upon visiting this store you can bet it will be my new equipment purchasing stop and I by no means want to use him. Perhaps I should find other audiophiles locally to hear different equipment?


The VTL preamp I purchased used fried the power transformer within playing music for 25hrs. This is very heart breaking to me and will make me much more cautious in purchasing used equipment in the future. Bea over at VTL says to me that it's in great looking shape at which point I agree and also comment that it's surprising this happened. Should I look into cleaner power such as using a conditioner before connecting to the apartment wall?

Very sad times I tell ya not to have tunes at the moment very sad. In the mean time I have chucked out a bunch of bills to get a mapleshade samson v.1 equipment rack after realizing the terrible crap that is the Lovan hollow metal tubed MDF 3/4in fiberboard I once started out with upon getting my first system.
Preamp has come back from service after $350 in bills from VTL. Considering I'm very happy with how it sounds with the rest of the system I can say in addition with the $900 I paid used before it acted up I'm still feeling ok, The time lost while it was away seemed more painfull which brings me to a question I have for you out there listening. Should I protect my ac power with a line conditioner? I dont exactly know what caused the power transformer in the preamp to blow but I am suspect that it might have been something to do with the power.

I live in a nyc apartment where lights are always dimming, When the fridge kicks, electric heater is turned on and such. All my other components have been ok plugged into the wall sockets for at least a couple of yrs. now with nothing to worry about. Anybody with experience, reccomendations or ideas would be very appreciated.

I tried a Modwright 9 with the Kav 300i (used as power amp)-- the sound is actually very good!!!
How about the Bruce Rozenblit "Grounded Grid Preamp" which is available as a kit or assembled. Far below your 3K limit. It has pretty sparten features so depending on your needs it may not be right for you.
