Pass labs X250.5 vs Jeff Rowland Model 10, or 201

Which one will be better to drive revel studio? looking for warm, musical, details sound also just moving from tube amp.
Matching preamp is CJ. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
I will guarantee the Pass is not warmer than the Rowland. The Pass is much more transparent and detailed than the Rowland. It is a great amp but warmth is not one of its attributes.
I'd have to disagree. I owned the Pass X-250 and with the Elrod EPS Sig 3 power cord, it was one hell of an amp. I used the X-1 preamp and then a bunch of tube preamps. I found the TOm Evans Vibe to be outstanding with the X-250. It is by no means a Graaf tube amp! The X-250 orrdered a balance of details, separation of instruments, excellent bass, musical mid-range (again not tube like) and OK high end extension. It worked well with Acoustic Zen Sil Ref IC MKIs and Cardas Golden Hexlink 5-C ICs. The Elrod was the cord for this amp. The X-250.5 is warmer soundig from what I have heard. The Rowland 10 was not that much better sounding then my old Kinergetics KBA-75 maybe 10-20%. The X-250 was 40-50% better then the Kinergetics. My wife found the Kinergetics more musical then the Rowland.

Happy Listening.
X250.5 is a much warmer sounding amplifier than the old X250, apples and oranges.
thank you for all the responses, regarding the pass labs I heard that the best line in the .5 series is the X350.5, can anyone justify that or the x250.5 good enough.