I'd have to disagree. I owned the Pass X-250 and with the Elrod EPS Sig 3 power cord, it was one hell of an amp. I used the X-1 preamp and then a bunch of tube preamps. I found the TOm Evans Vibe to be outstanding with the X-250. It is by no means a Graaf tube amp! The X-250 orrdered a balance of details, separation of instruments, excellent bass, musical mid-range (again not tube like) and OK high end extension. It worked well with Acoustic Zen Sil Ref IC MKIs and Cardas Golden Hexlink 5-C ICs. The Elrod was the cord for this amp. The X-250.5 is warmer soundig from what I have heard. The Rowland 10 was not that much better sounding then my old Kinergetics KBA-75 maybe 10-20%. The X-250 was 40-50% better then the Kinergetics. My wife found the Kinergetics more musical then the Rowland.
Happy Listening.