Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Good detective work, stltrains. Do you notice a more dynamic sound without the damper?

Stltrains, Gammajo and Sherod. Just wanted to add these observances that I experienced with my AH 2.0n. I added extra copper shielding between the power board and the tube board thinking it will make improvements. All it did was to remove the "air" or "breath of life" from the instruments making the sound more sterile and flat. The Loss of immediacy and refinement was too much to bear so I removed it and my sanity returned.

This preamp is already properly dialed in and I believe that if Joseph wanted to produce an all out state of the Art pre, this would be it with other refinements like a true seperate and robust power supply. He has everything else right in my opinion.

By the way I have both circuit boards isolated and floating and recommend it highly. The cca's are another must upgrade that all AH owners should do.

As to the break in period, I wonder if the new wiring is the culprit here?

I put a ec 88 in slot 2 to have balance. Contacted my tube man and as you guys know the cost of ccas is well, a sellers market. I hope to hear from him tomorrow.
I have made so many changes that i think i need a good nights listening to get my bearings.
Gammajo but as far as i can tell with a short time with out the rings i believe more air and a delicate sound. I had a hard time finding a difference with half cca and ec 88 to.
Like Sherod said if we could just leave well enough alone. but nooo we have to experiment and try different things.
According to Victor, the new wiring harness has a lot to do with the looooong break in.
For the technically-minded, the new output caps in the TP 2.1 upgrade are 1uf value. These are bypassed with a .22uf Solen cap to tame down the highs a bit. The TP 2.0n had a 4.7uf Hovland. I find this interesting as this value difference might make a difference in matching to input impedances of certain amps. Perhaps Victor will expound on this.