Recommendations on a passive preamp

I'm currently considering:

Creek OBH-22
FT Audio LW1S2

I only need 3 inputs, but 2 outputs are important as I bi-amp my Innersound ISIS with Sonic Frontiers Power 2 and an ADCOM GFA 5800

I use a Placette Passive with excellent results. It has 3 inputs and two outputs. You might want to consider it.


I'm not the seller, but I saw this ad.

Actually, now that I read that ad a little closer, that may be the RVC, which is only a one in/one out device. But you can check the Placette site that is linked to the ad to read about the Placette linestage with 3 in/2 out.

Sorry for any confusion.
Depending on your budget and your preference for a resistor-based or transformer-based passive you may want to consider:

Space Tech Labs
Welborne Labs
Electra Print

All of the above will let you have as many inputs and outputs that you require. I just recently went through this process and in addition to those above, looked into the Placette, Reference Line, Luminous, and Bent Audio. In the end I decided to have a TVC built for me by Kevin Carter at K&K Audio that uses S&B transformers. This will run higher in cost than those you listed and some of those I mentioned, but Kevin's work is great.
I have had many passive preamps but none of the ones you are considering.

The best for me have been First Sound Passive and Axiom.

Hope this helps
