Nice looking - for living room?

I'm looking to add a second system this year, up in the living room. The room is 12 x 20. It will be used at lower levels - party/dinner accompaniment and lower level listening. The constraints: $8K MAX, must be Nice To Look At(as decreed by my boss).
Pieces needed: CD player, amp/pre, small (or thin) speakers. I'm thinking maybe Salk or Tyler speakers, tube amp/pre, CD - I dunno? I think in terms of looks, Sim Supernova with their new integrated (I7?) is pretty cool looking and totally integrated - but of course all SS. And would blow the budget. Pretty damn good solid state, though. I would entertain used, but probably not on the player.
Please, unleash your thoughts!
IMO the Manley Stingray is a stunner. It is not to everyone's taste so be sure to show it to her first. But everyone who has visited my home, even the non-audio folks, have spent time admiring and oohing and aahing over it. It is unique without being glitzy, which is hard to pull off. Add incredible sound, modest cost of ownership and a very affordable price, and what's not to like?
when used with the variable outputs ... the tube output stage is analog and will operate similarly to having a tube preamp ... cannot imagine that using a preamp, even a multi-thousand dollar one, would make an improvement.

the Duetto is a classic and will provide awesome sound for years and Cain and Cain speakers are museum quality pieces

good luck!

I'm partial to the Pathos Classic One MKII tube hybrid integrated amp(soon to be released MKIII). One of the most beautiful integrated amps I've seen. It sounds better than any pre/amp combos I've tried over the years! Your system would be super looking with the droplet and the Pathos!
Pathos is coming out with a stunning looking cdp as well.

Sonus Faber makes some beautiful speakers!

Recently listed on an auction site was a 4 month old Sugden A21SE for $1750, a steal. Hook it up to some small Birdseye Quads and a CD player and you have a nice system, high WAF.
Why not have in-wall system? There'll be no leaning on speakers or drink spilling on components. If it's stictly background music, most won't pay attention anyhoo.