I have a preamp that allows for inversion of phase by remote control. Yes, one can hear a difference quite readily. But, with most recordings, the difference is subtle, and it is not entirely clear which is the preferred setting (e.g., with one setting the vocals may be more realistic, while the piano becomes unnaturally phasey).
Because recordings seem to be all over the place, there is no reason to really worry about phase if you don't have the means (and will) to switch on a recording-by-recording basis. That kind of switching is only practicable with a phase switch, preferrably, one switch by remote.
Because recordings seem to be all over the place, there is no reason to really worry about phase if you don't have the means (and will) to switch on a recording-by-recording basis. That kind of switching is only practicable with a phase switch, preferrably, one switch by remote.