Amplifier Mods

I'm looking for input from anyone who's had their amp modded by TRL. I am very pleased with what they did for my cd player and am just wondering if I can expect similar results.

The amp in question is a McCormack DNA 1. I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has had the chance to compare a TRL modded DNA (1 or 0.5) to a stock one. And really interested to hear from anyone who's had the chance to compare a TRL modded DNA to a SMc Audio DNA Rev C or B.
$4000 is quite a price jump, even compared to a Rev A mod.

I agree the SMc seems like the logical choice and in the end will probably be where I go. The reasons I was considering TRL are
1) They modded my CD player and the difference was FAR beyond my expexctations.
2) Paul makes some VERY good amps and after discussing it with him, he told me they could make a huge difference to my DNA. If it was anyone else I'd take it with a grain of salt, but I know what he did to my CD player and I've seen the reviews on his amps.

I realize it's quite a jump in price. However, if TRL can build a solid state amp that sounds as good as it does, then imagine what they could do to your DNA for a fraction of the cost. Of course your last post sums it all up. Paul will make it sing.
I just exchanged emails with Lkdog. He seems to second your view. His final line summed it up, "it's a no brainer".

I need to send my Sony 900 back to him for some upgrades. He said mine was one of the first ones they did and they've learned a couple new tricks since then. Maybe I'll send the McCormack at the same time. Although I won't be sending either for another month or so, I'll send them when we're on vacation, that way I won't be without them so long.

My player will have the most up-to-date mods for the Sony 900, including the latest battery supply design. I will post something in the digital forum after it breaks in so you have an idea of what improvements you can expect. Even if you don't get the battery supply, the latest mods are significant in the amount of labor it took to design and implement.

I'm glad you spoke to Lkdog. He is really happy with his TRL modded amp. For the standard mod fee you really can't go wrong, after all it is guaranteed and if you don't like it you can get your money back and send it to SMc. The odds are greatly in favor of you liking what they do to it. Too bad you can't hear the D-225 just for the fun of it.
The D-225 may be down the road. Right now anything I do will be on the inexpensive side.

FYI, Paul said he'd bring my cd player up to the current mod for free. Of course I'd have to pay if I want the battery upgrade.