wht does a preamp do?

I had been running my wadia cd player direcrlty into my amplifiers. I just added a preamp and am very surprized at the differnce. The bass tightness and frequenct extension are very different. I am also hearing a 3 dimensionality that i never heard before. clearly a preamp is not just a volume control. Wht else is it doing to change the soundstaging so dramatically?

I have a wadia 861. Got a MBL preamp. The differnce is very dramatic. I got the preamp for vinyl, but the CD difference is more than I ever thought possible. Highly recommend getting a preamp

As with any variable output CDP, analog or digital, close attention has to be paid with other gear. Both resistive analog attenuators (or pots) and digital volume controls don't sound best till 80%. By adding a preamp in the chain you have normalized the attenuation and matched impedance better.

Others might find that the added complexity of a gain stage (or more) detracts from the sound.

Often, simple solutions are complex to apply and vice versa.
1. provides a volume control

2. provides switching to feed multiple sources to your amps

3. if so equiped, can provide balance and frequency controls

4. acts as a buffer so sources that need it can properly drive your amps

If you don't need any of the above, adding the active stages and cables associated with a preamp to a system can only degrade the sound.

If you do need the above, especially #4, then a preamp will make your system sound better.

Those who claim all systems need one have limited experience with systems that benefited from having one.

Some do, some don't.
I tried running my Wadia 302 directly into my amplifier and was not happy with the sound at all...upfront, analytical,too bright and hard. I am now using a tube preamp and the results are wonderful...warm, full, detailed and like real music. The sound I get from the Wadia with this configuration is almost vinyl-like.