DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
The manufacturer's response to Brian's review reminds me how all too often it is forgotten that no one product is the best and everyone has different tastes.

I'm glad DK has found a market.
OMG!!!...problems at Electrocompaniet? C'mon...tell me something OTHER than LAST YEARS news.

And you know how much I care? NADA...cause it's just sitting on a shelf now collecting dust.

But the real kicker is that even for a company that is having/had problems...whatever...the depreciation hit is still far less than for the DK's.

Go ahead...make fun of my system all you want...booo hooooo.

I stand corrected.. Thank you for the update as I had no idea. I just thought they were acquired as Per was retiring. As for DK bashers, I could really care less as it is what it is.

If it is not a pure Tube Amplifier, I am just not interested personally.. I just hate when people take pot shots are people's systems as Jim did with Ellery..

Gunbei, let me make something clear about the Daniels comments at the end of my "review". Two of my friends contacted him speaking kindly as they were hoping he would allow me to give the amp to them instead of sending it back to the fatory. His taking an opportunity to inject comments are out of line, IMO.
I agree Brian, it always rubs me the wrong way when a manufacturer feels compelled to add comments to a review they aren't happy with. And to place blame on possible faulty internal wiring doesn't help the reputation of their Q.C. either.