DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.
2 points:

1 . why comparing the amps with a 1000usd speaker if he has also a 12000usd speaker standing next to it?
2 . calling a 3200usd amp "a extraordinary value" , while the 1500usd amp sound better..........

I don`t understand the guy (reviewer).
What has happened to DK Design on Audiogon ? There use to be more than one company selling them and now there does not appear to be any on the Gon.
Well I suppose the new owner wants the public to visit in person a dealer whose intention is to demo a properly set up and performing audio system. No more mail order brides,no more sleasze. A business profile that is supportive of all involved, including the customer..Tom
I am looking forward to hearing the new Statement amp from LSA. It is no longer an integrated amp. I also am anxious to hear the Model 10 speakers. Together this must be something to hear.
I heard the 10's a few months back with the Statement integrated, Exemplar 5910 on a Sistrum Sp1. Music I had played at home and detail and cues I had never experienced before. Very cool..Tom