Plinius 9100 or Simaudio Moon i5 for Totem Hawks?

Has anyone compared the Plinius 9100 and Simaudio Moon i5 when listening to Totem Hawk speakers?

I have Totem Hawk speakers and the Bel Canto DAC 2 as a source, and am looking to upgrade my amplifier.

I've heard the Moon i5 and the Plinius 9100 are a good match for the Hawks. If anyone had a chance to hear them, I'd love to hear your thoughts and how you thought they differed from one another. Thank you very much!
I to had this delima, but with forest speakers. I chose the plinius 9100 and am glad I did. My forest really seem to like the power, or might I say need the power. My source is a sim audio equinox. I will say my system sounds great with everything but hard/heavy fast rock, at medium to high volume. good luck, I hope you make the right choice.
I've owned the Plinus 8200mkII powering a pair of Totem Tabu's. Never really did it for me.

I've owned the i-5 with both Forests and Hawks. I am currently running a Krell 400xi on the Hawks and would highly recommend it! The i-5 ran out of juice on the Forests. The 400xi sounds awesome with either the Hawks/Forest and even has the power to drive the Winds as well - which I am bringing home next week! ;)

Not to add an amp to your decision making, but you may want to give it a listen. I was never a Krell fan (in fact, i kind of steered clear of Krell) until I heard the 400xi!