Aesthetix Calypso and Berning ZH270 combo noise.

Why does my Aesthetix Calypso become noisier when I connect it to a Berning ZH270?
I have a friend here who has the Calypso and his setup is by far the most critical of cable placement than any other I have heard. He has to go through a lot of effort here to get rid of the noise....but when he does, the sound is outstanding. He feels that his Plinius may also be the culprit but perhaps it is both of these in combination. One thing for sure about the Calypso over my Callisto, the Calypso is more critical of needing ultra-quiet tubes.
Hi Nr9, I have a Berning Switch mode tubed powered pre-amp ( yes a tube switcher), a Berning Switch Mode powered tube BAM, (Don't ask and I lent it to profone, who still has it and does not want to give it back :)) and a Berning SMP supply Headphone amp, two Berning mono amps with 1 Farad of power supply capacitance each also with switching power supplies without adjustable gain and noise is absolutely not an issue.

I have had complaints with a couple other pre-amps with regular power supply's as well being noisy ( and tested as such), it's an issue of sometimes higher residual noise of the pre-amp design or sometimes noisy tubes, which a most other power amps do not have the sensitivity to show up.
Our first switch mod pre-amp was in 1984 the TF-12 and TF12B, B for Balance, No issue with noise on the ZH-270 with the TF-12.

This is one of the reasons that we have the adjustable volume control on the ZH-270 and why we would not do amps without these unless we do our own matching pre-amp.

You may want to reduce the sensitivity of the amp by reducing the gain on the volume control.
If I adjust the volume to "16", the preamp is much quieter than "17". There are more similar steps up. I have not heard this before when I used it balanced.
"17" could be a higher gain step than the other preceding ones.

If you turn the volume control on the ZH-270 up to full, you may encounter the noise at a lower level setting, and if you reduce the volume control on the ZH-270 you may encounter the noise at a higher level on the pre-amp, but it's there in the pre.

The ZH-270 because of it's unique design is able to have very high sensitivity and low noise, I know of no other power amp with this capability, the volume control is there so that you can adjust the input sensitivity to allow the use of varying pre-amps.

Are you using a power conditioner?