Grateful for Audiogon

As a relative newcommer to the audio marketplace . . . and a long-time IT gear broker ... it's too bad another 'Audio' Web location is filled with Indonesian scammers who are not deleted. I find this all the time in the IT world but on our boards we can immediately clear the fraudulent sellers. I've found many bad listings on another audio web site and passed the links on of obvious scammers and they're completely ignored. Extremely short-sighted of the board moderators.

It's great to have this site and fellow 'Audiogon'rs' who typically list without the hyperbole and conduct business with integrity. In my IT business I tell our employees the measure of our customer service and satisfaction has more to do with our response to problems rather than being free thereof, especially with used gear. I've received only fair and prompt responses from Audiogoner's when problems have occured which is to be expected with used gear.

That Ron Jeremy guy,is got to be the ugliest dude there is.
How did all these women porn stars had sex with him?
I hope Tireguy looks better.
In regards to the subject,I totaly agree that Audiogon is a great website.I visit Audio Asylum,Canuck audiomart,Canadian audio/video,, , few others BUT Audiogon is the best out there.I am also very happy with my transactions so far.
It's both amazing and hilarious how this thread has transformed from an Audiogon tribute into Tireguy pornstar worship, and finally a Ron "Ape Boy" Jeremy attack. Audiogon is the best!

The one time I attended CES in 2003 the people with whom I had the best time with were Gilbert Yeung of Blue Circle and Christy Canyon. What a pair, eh? Er, of people that is.
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A-goN is educational too! I had to look up Lacivious after reading Viridians post!

Blue Circle! Ha, that's funny!

BTW, Viridian, I think it is spelled Lascivious.......
