High End Integrated Choices

I had posted earlier but haven't seen it so here goes again.

Need to make a shortlist of hi-end integrateds to match the following system:

Sony SCD777ES SACD Player, Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II Interconnects and Satori Speaker cable connected to B&W 805S monitors.

Searching for feedback specifically on BAT V300X SE Integrated withe 6H30 super tube and McIntosh MC2275 Tube Integrated.


The 805s nautilus sounds very good with the Unico 80watter hybrid integrated amplifier much to my suprise.

Tried and proven combo.
I finally received a KR Audio Kronzilla SXI and have to add it as a high end integrated to consider. It is still breaking in, but I'm enjoying it very much. Bass control is amazing. Very high resolution with crystal clear highs and long decay. lots of presence to instruments and voices. Apparently, the KR VA350i and the VA340,which are less expensive than the Kronzilla have many of it's attributes, including the wonderful bass control albeit lower power output (still nothing to sneeze at at 30 and 20 watts, respectively). I haven't heard those yet, but I'm told by others who have heard them that they are very nice.
Gamut DI150 - A truly excellent integrated!

Just wanted to add my comments based on recent experience. I have been on a long search for a great high end integrated amp, and finally narrowed it down to the 2 Danish amps that have been mentioned earlier - Gryphon Diablo and Gamut DI150.

They are both excellent, but after extensive comaprisons, the Gamut sounded superior to my ears. The Gryphon was slightly richer, and had a marginally fuller base sound, and may be a great choice for particular speakers. I found the Gamut was far more airy and open sounding, extremely transparent, crystal clear, and thrilling to listen to, without being fatiguing. Instruments remain separated even in complex passages. Base is quite deep and defined, cleaning up some of my CDs. There is something truly magical in the way the amp opens up the higher frequencies.

To my ears, instruments also sound incredibly real and acoustic, and the sound seems to separate from the speakers better than anything I have heard - a 3D experience. It also retains its characteristics at low volume better than other amps I have heard.
From my experience, it needs a decent run in and changes substantially. Fresh out the box it sounded a little edgey and quite thin.
I also Have B&W 805s's and a room approximately 24'x27' with log walls and a carpeted floor. Currently I use a Cayin A70t re-tubed (although the stock tubes were not bad at all)with re-issue Genelex KT88's,NOS Telefunken 12AU7's and re-issue Mullard 12AX7's. I also use a TAD Aural Ecstacy 150watt powered Sub in this system. I have no problem at all driving the 805s's to very high levels and I am very pleased with the sound. In truth most of the time (at normal listening levels) I use the amp in it's triode mode where the output power is substantially reduced and have no problems.
Now to make things more interesting I am currently awaiting delivery of a MA2275 from Audio Classics. Why, if I am so pleased? To tell the truth I just always wanted one and some bonus money came my way.... well I suppose it could have been better spent....nah. I should have the amp installed in the next week or so and I will post a follow-up if all goes well.

Regards, Jerry