Conrad Johnson Act 2 series 2 First Impressions

This will be an ongoing thread as I will periodically post my impressions as this unit breaks in . I owned the Act 2 series one for over a year and became quite familiar with its strengths and sonic character. The Act 2 series 2 has just arrived and I have 90 hours on it thus far . What is immediately obvious is the improvement in the midrange to the lower midrange . The notes and their color are fleshed out with greater ease and immediacy . I was listening to Diana Kralls Steppin Out and on virtually the entire disc , the difference between the two units is startlingly obvious. There is more depth and decay to acoustic bass notes imo. The brushes as they glide across the drum kit reverberate for a longer period and her voice has more of her chest in it. This is not to slight the Act 2 as I loved every second I listened to it . Its just that this new preamp is digger deeper in the midrange. The Teflon caps in their new gear takes 300 hours to break in in my experience so this observation is initial and superficial . I just wanted to begin this in public so those interested could follow my journey. More to come after 150 hours. Thanks .
Grant, where are you? Get in here and defend yourself :) Your reputation is under attack!
The CT 5 was close to the Act 2 in performance and the Act 2 series 2 was born from the lessons learned from the CT 5 from my understanding .
Its 3 am . Last night I got 2.5 hours sleep. Something snapped last night and all hell broke loose. It was beyond the 100 hour mark that is so infamously etched in stone that CJ claims must be passed before even listening seriously. It was closer to 170 hours and the flood gate lifted . Not subtle but rather overwhelming to be frank.
Dimensionality exploded from the system as if I had something connected improperly before. Spiritchaser from Dead Can Dance opened up in every direction from deepest bass through the midrange right out the top window. Decay improved tremendously . This is not something you have to listen for. Its clear , unobstructed and free from restraint in my room .
I always felt the Act 2 was a masterpiece . Like a great Painting you acquire and hang on the wall. You admire it , show it off and even indulge in its beauty and sophistication while never recognizing this strange detached sense of connection you know you should be experiencing . You take it for granted you are experiencing it correctly. However , if you meet the artist and watch him paint you may feel differently about the work . You feel the emotion and fire he breathes into the strokes of the paintbrush. You come away with a fresh perspective of the work and understand and connect with your painting on a newly formed intrinsic level that is satisfying in so many new and exciting ways. What I am getting at is that though I have not been inside the minds of Bill and Lew, what is coming out of the Act 2 series 2 paints an astonishingly clear picture of what went into this preamp. I " feel " the passion and purpose .
I cannot stop moving when I listen to music. I find myself tapping my foot , hammering my heel, swaying uncontrollably and generally grooving to virtually everything I am listening to. I cannot sit and analyze the sonic characteristics the way I normally do when I evaluate a piece of gear. You have got to experience something like this to be able to convey it in words I now understand
Hi Brent,

I was planning on getting a CT5 cause it is close to the ACT2 and now c-j comes out withe a series 2 ACT2. Man, more decisions!*>)