Ghunter, the Placette Active Linestage, in the context of my system, exceled in the following sonic areas:
1) The Placette offered the most natural timbres of any preamp I have ever had in my system.
2) The Placette was far more transparent then the other preamps I had auditioned, which lend it to offer great details/microdynamics.
3) The Placette produced the largest soundstage of all the preamps with "air" around each player and precise layering on this soundstage.
4) The extension of both the top and bottom frequencies were terrific and lends itself to a very natural and dynamic presentation.
All of the above sonic virtues are presented in a very "easy/organic/musical" way, not a "HiFi" or over dramatic fashion. However, this linestage is not euphonic in anyway, it will tell you about your upstream gear in a total honest way. As we both know, personnal taste and system synergy are always the most important factors, so I hope your interested enough to possible set up a home audition.
1) The Placette offered the most natural timbres of any preamp I have ever had in my system.
2) The Placette was far more transparent then the other preamps I had auditioned, which lend it to offer great details/microdynamics.
3) The Placette produced the largest soundstage of all the preamps with "air" around each player and precise layering on this soundstage.
4) The extension of both the top and bottom frequencies were terrific and lends itself to a very natural and dynamic presentation.
All of the above sonic virtues are presented in a very "easy/organic/musical" way, not a "HiFi" or over dramatic fashion. However, this linestage is not euphonic in anyway, it will tell you about your upstream gear in a total honest way. As we both know, personnal taste and system synergy are always the most important factors, so I hope your interested enough to possible set up a home audition.