Blue circle V audionote

Both companies produce amplifiers which I understand are both extremely musical and very natural sounding. Blue circles are hybrids and audionotes single ended valves. Naim has great pace and drive but can sound a little forced and over energetic to be considered natural sounding. Jadis also extremely musical but apparently has a colouration that prohibits it from entering this class. Sugden 21a, Triangle TE60SE, musical fidelity A1000, are also supposedly very goodmusically but still do not quite have the 'inner illumination'that valve products have. Conrad johnson, manley, music reference, Lamm, CAT, are also very good but apparently fall in one area or another. Krells and Mark Levinsons and their like are just too 'solid state in sound.'

Can anyone please refute or confirm any of the above observations. I do not want to hear from those of you who are yet to FULLY comprehend, accept and embrace the concept of musicallity, emotionally connecting with the music, foot tapping etc. That includes everyone whose priority is to achieve great soundstaging, presence, deep powerful bass and detail.