Vitus audio?

Vitus audio amplifiers and especially ss101. Please share info, listening impressions.....
It is said that is one of the very best there is in amplification can even used as integrated with two sources.

Is it trully in the league of Gryphon, Boulder, Fm acoustics....

I've heard the huge mono amps, the small integrated and a prototype SACD player at a show last year, paired with Peak Consult Zoltan speakers, and the latest PAD cables (top of the range throughout). Mostly it was excellent, natural-sounding, airy and relaxed, obviously capable of some beautiful sound. Unfortunately some room issues made it sound a bit strained at times, so it was hard to give a fair judgement. I liked it initially with calm music, but with music with more "action" (rock, large scale stuff) it wasn't nearly as good.

Since they are very expensive indeed, I strongly suggest you listen carefully before going ahead. Most stuff in this price range is good, it's up to you to find what you prefer. :)

I haven't heard Gryphon much, only briefly so I can't really compare those. What I heard sounded nice though, soft and beautiful (they were playing female vocal jazz).

As for Boulder, if you like the sort of presentation they have - I find they bring the music to your room and not you to the event - I think they are impossible to beat. I'm very, very impressed with Boulder. From what I heard at the show, the Vitus gear don't share that philosophy so they aren't really comparable per se. Haven't heard FM, but would like to!

In this price range, don't miss MBL either. In their type of sound (large soundstage, "bringing you to the event") I think there is nothing close.
It all depends on your speakers, sources, tastes, personality, experience, room, goals, etc. Answering this sort of question is all hand waving.

Having said that, I really like Gryphon - beautiful sounding but has lots of authority too. MBL was super nice but you need to hear it with their speakers for the real enchilada. Haven't heard Vitus yet but they are popular in England especially. Hifi+ has reviewed a few of their components.

I find it hard to believe that the better Pass models,like the XA-160's,would not be completely in this league.Unless,of course,one is inclined to have expensive boutique stuff,which has been inflated by the U.S. dollar being weak in Europe.
I just reviewed the Vitus 101 Mono amps for Give it a read. Jeff Fritz gave the integrated version a "Worlds best" and it has replaced his Boulder amps.

I owned the Gryphon Encore and while quite good, I think the Vitus has gone much further down the road. As for the earlier post wondering about the power issue, these things are beasts. I have a huge room 33x60x13 and have the Focus Master II and they rock very hard. I have had Krell, I have the Pass 350.5 and the Karan 450. The Pass 350.5 comes closest in the bass but the 100 watts of pure class A of the Vitus is just remarkable. Hope this helps. G