Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system

I am seeking advice from the a'gon community concerning a tube pre for my digital system. Some folks have qued be in to the fact that adding a pre tube will do wonders for my sound.

I have the jeff rowland 501 mono's and the bel canto dac3 as a my pre, a marantz running as a transport. On thing about the rowlands is that they prefer balanced so the tube pre must have balanced outs.

I've looked at the valve audio black widow, the cary slp 05, and the aesthetix calypso. All have balanced outs, well I'm not sure about the valve audio. Any other recommendations? Is adding a tube pre really going to do anything for my sound?

Lastly, being lacking some knowledge in this world, I am confused as to how, if I got a pre amp, I would go about connecting my cd running digitally to my dac then to the pre amp. Would it just be a matter of connecting the dac to the pre or does the cd player also have to be connected to the pre amp?

Lots of questions I know, yet lots to learn! Any help, suggestions, opinions are be welcome.

I started my journey into tubes with a AE-3 Line Level Pre Amp. At that time my system was a follows: Krell FPB 200, Adcom 750 pre amp and Philips 962 digital player. The AE-3 added warmth and detail. I felt I had hit pay dirt. So what’s a good HiFi nut do, add more tubes. I bought a CAL Alpha DAC. Oh my, it’s sounding good. Now that digital brightness is smoothed out. Are we seeing a pattern here? Click on my posted system below. Tubes and more tubes. The darn things are addicting. At first you tell yourself, I can handle this. Then you find yourself searching the web for NOS tubes. Some guy in a tube forum post a thread about his latest discovery, a very rare 1950’s long plate 12x7 that is the cat’s meow. There you go on a quest to find them. You just gotta get a couple because those little glowing glass tubes that hold the key to audio nirvana.

Sorry for going on and on, I am going to see about a NOS 12 step program right after I shave my head.
I agree with Kurt, if you don't need SACD and redbook digital is your only source, grab a AA Capitole II and skip the preamp.
If looking for a balanced tube preamp, the above mentioned BAT's, ARC's and Atma-sphere's can all be added to your list.

FWIW, have you tried the Marantz w/o the Bel Canto DAC?
I would think that cd player would sound better w/o the DAC.
I have a BAT tube preamp with my Jeff Rowland amps (Model 6 monoblocks), and it sounds great. I also have a highly modified Marantz SA-11S1, and don't feel the need for a seperate DAC. I use a preamp because I have 4 sources.

I also love the way the Marantz handles SACD's. If I was rebook cd's only, I'd definitely go after a Audio Aero Capitole and skip the preamp.

connections are:

CD Transport -> DAC -> Pre-amp -> Amp -> Speakers

Tube pre-amp is a great place to start. The 501's have 4K ohm input impedence. Try and find a pre-amp with 400 ohm output impedence or less on the balanced outputs. This will ensure good matching and volume control function.
Thanks everybody for the responses. NOS twelve step it is. It seems everyday I breath just a bit more of the audio nut concoction. Powerful stuff.

No I have not tried the marantz without the DAC. Fine suggestion, believe I will try that. In terms of the A A capitole, I did some research and everthing I read sounds great. I guess my concern would be limiting my options by not having a pre amp because, I would like a tuner and a turntable. Now I realize the A A capitole has a line stage built into it but unfortunately those are hard to find. The one on A'gon right now does not have the line stage.

So two questions, and other cd player with a line stage build into it that can hook directly to my Rowlands, or does anyone have opinions on how the A A capitole sounds plugged into a pre amp?

Also steuspeed, any suggestions of tubed pre's that are 400 ohn output impedence or less?

And of course any comments or opinions. This is great for me so I appreciate your time.
Surprised nobody mentioned Audible Illusion given it's sales and mpoularity as a loid glass pre.Depoends a lot on how much "bloom" you want.Some tube pre's dont' sound very "tubey" any m,ore.More and more solid state has attributes of tube gear )warmth,holography,more natural midrange) but tube gear (especially pre's) have more extended frequency extremes and tigher,punchier bass.I would say that in poast with a tarde off for noise that Conrad Johnson would give most "tube sound" (maybe certain AR models) but now CJ is less noisy and has better overall sound (bass not as "loose").You need to read about various pre's.But I think TVAD is right you will get different sound but if you expect "Nirvana" in a box you might not get it.Yet still might be good move.Alternately the better op amps in some digital players means that forgoing pre might be your ticket.Many audiophiles want sound of source and amp and nothing from pre,a pre that has no signature,Some go with passives but because they have constricte dynamics in general I am not one of them.So many models out there do your research and try to listen when and where you can.If you go to the not cheap Supratek will be their editors choice (I liek thier Blue Moon awards).Stereophiles buying guide gives so many choices it just shows what's out there not narrowing down choices.Also ask at Audio Advisor.Features,the difference in what tubes are used (poular EL34's which I use excell in mids.KT88's have more dynamic kick and bass control etc).Like I said some want not to hear it at all but to me I's say listenm to CJ,AR,neutral BAT,bang for buck Rogue or Modwright,Audible Illusions etc could take thoguht and time to listen.But because many feel it's signature not just function is the "heart of the system" when matched soudn wise with your gear and your ears the quest can be fun and really pay off.