1 tube glowing blue?

I just replaced the SED 6550 tubes in my VTL MB450s. In 1 amp there is a tube that is glowing blue. Is there something wrong with it? Dont want it to blow.
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Should be OK. Results from certain gasses appearing in the tube (i.e., not complete vacuum)
It's normal, I called SED a while back, they said not to worry.

I have two quads of SED KT-88's, they all have a blue glow, plus they sound great.
There is a good explanation of the blue glow in a FAQ on the Audioasylum Forum. I recommend you read it. Blue glow is good, and pretty as well!
I like Blue Glow.....It looks very beautiful when the lights off. I wish all my tubes glowing Blue :-) !!!!!

Some of the Blue Glow that I have in my amp. are pulseing with the music !