VTL ST-150 w/ B&W

Not looking to hear thoughts on sonics (although feel free) as much as I am interested to hear what Tube people think about this combination with a 805s or 804s. I have had tubes with SS for a while, and now that I have the taste I want it all, from top to bottom I want tubes.

Just worried about inefficiency of a speaker, although the newer B&W's are rated at 90db, although they like to hang out in the 4ohm range alot.

Any thought would be much appreciated.
Going today to listen to it on both sets of speakers...I brought my DAC with me so I can get an authentic feel for it. Considering I have the 5.5 and they have that I will basically be listening to exactly what I would potentially buy.

I will post my thoughts.
Yes, please don't forget to post your thoughts, I'm very interested as I'm looking for a good tube amp for my 804s. Thanks.
Ordered an st-150 today with upgraded MIT Multicaps right out of the gate. Dealer gave me an st-85 until the 150 comes in. I gotta tell ya, I don't know what took me sooooo long to realize that it was tubes I was looking for. I am absolutely thrilled with the sound character I am getting out of this combination, and it is fufilling everything SS gear always left me longing for. If this little 85 is any indication as to what I am in for with the st-150 I am just tickled pink.
Thanks for sharing your first impressions with us. Could you please be a little more specific, what do you like about the st85 versus the SS gear you have tried? Does the ampli drive the 805s with ease? how is the sound in terms os bass slam and dynamics?

Thanks again.
Jdec- I would say without a doubt the st-85 drives these speakers with ease. I have been listening for two days straight now and I don't see it caving in on any of the different music I play through it.

The differences I hear from the SS gear is basically..The sterility is completely gone, and ANY sibilance I experienced is also completely gone. The tube combination just sounds smooth, relaxed, with excellent dynamic peaks, and the sound stage to be quite honest is wider on this st-85 than my Full Peanut Butter Krell 400cx. Bold statement? Yes, but true, and this st-85 costs thousands less. Bass representation to me excellent, and I mean excellent. Does it SLAM? Not really, a little chubbier than slammer-type bass, but very tight, not rolled off, and IMO properly represented. It makes these speakers sound bigger than they are thats for sure.

If I had to characterize one single thing that is different from SS I would say speed (which could also be referred to as PACE RHYTHM and TIMING) are different. Being overall slower with tubes, allowing the listener a chance to follow the performance better, and thus get involved in it more.

I have Madonna La Isla Bonita (not what I usually listen to) cranked right now, and it sounds the best I have ever heard it sound tonally.

I would say for me, it was about realizing that you will never find a SS piece of gear that is a musically satisfying as equiv. tube gear, and you will never find a piece of tube gear that satisfies like SS can in Bass and accuracy etc. In the end I made a decision to let go of chasing the SS dream, and worrying about 'loss of bass' like some will claim with Tubes. I personally don't hear it, I think the bass is better actually. But I am glad I made the switch, and this little amp with 805s is an excellent combination, I wait to hear the difference with the st-150 and upgraded caps.