I have not heard LSA but have used the same LDR resistors to provide variable cartridge loading in a modified phono stage. LDRs are about as clean sounding as the best nude Vishay, Caddock, and tant resistors, so I imagine they would make a first class passive.
Regarding the allegation of "forwardness," assuming that we are not talking about strident aggressiveness, the quality of forwardness in a top component is often a good thing in the sense that the piece sounds more alive, faster, dynamic and resolving. The listener is literally closer to the music, in fact the stage may extend both forward of and to the rear of the speakers. In this scenario depth-of-field cues are delivered through high resolution. Instruments appear layered in depth more by virtue of low-level cues than by soundstaging per se. The more astonishing hat trick may be when a system throws instruments outside the L & R speaker boundaries, or does a perfect job of imaging intentionally-recorded phase anomalies to the side of or behind the listener. Some of this is contingent upon room characteristics, but with great electronics it can be surprising how much of it can be pulled off independent of room.
Regarding the allegation of "forwardness," assuming that we are not talking about strident aggressiveness, the quality of forwardness in a top component is often a good thing in the sense that the piece sounds more alive, faster, dynamic and resolving. The listener is literally closer to the music, in fact the stage may extend both forward of and to the rear of the speakers. In this scenario depth-of-field cues are delivered through high resolution. Instruments appear layered in depth more by virtue of low-level cues than by soundstaging per se. The more astonishing hat trick may be when a system throws instruments outside the L & R speaker boundaries, or does a perfect job of imaging intentionally-recorded phase anomalies to the side of or behind the listener. Some of this is contingent upon room characteristics, but with great electronics it can be surprising how much of it can be pulled off independent of room.