Low volume music

I mainly listen to music at low volume levels,sometimes at a moderate level.What kind of amp and speakers would be best for this type of listening. I was wanting to try some kind of tube amp. Thanks Busterz
I've always liked what I heard from the Air Tight integrateds..also I am told the Rogue tube amps are very good and the new integrated Cronus should be something worth checking out. Also try the Rega integrateds, the Brio and the Mira, very relaxed, clear, open sound good at low volumes IMHO. Low volume speakers? My second pair of Spica tc-50's going on 20 yrs. now sound great at low volumes but no usable low bass to speak of. There are going to be a million opinions on speakers -- Rogers, Spendors, Harbeths, Linn, Epos, Heck an old pair of Epicure 10's.
Tubes compress dynamics which clearly helps at low/med volume. I also enjoy my Quad subwoofer, which has a remote and four volume/crossover memories. At few DB boost at low volume can help a lot on some recordings.
I second the general notion that English loudspeakers are more likely to be low volume friendly by design than domestic production.
I am enjoying my Primaluna Prologue 2 with Reference 3a
De Capo i speakers . This set up is in a small room but the same principles apply for any size room , just gage your speaker size and amp power accordingly .
You want to look for highly resolving speakers that don't require too much power and are designed for tube use . Look for efficiency in the 90db. range with a fairly flat impedence curve .
Find an amplifier that has good micro details , extension and dynamics .
Your source will also be an important part of the set up . Here look for the same characteristics as the amp .
When auditioning , if it sounds better when you turn it up
it is not the system for your purpose .

Good luck .