The CT-1 is uber detailed, highly resolved and has amazing clarity - but at the same time it sounds smooth and non-digital.
It sound contradictory I know. But this is the magic that Rick Scultz has managed to come up with.
For the first time I would say this cable really is neutral, but it does neutral by removing distortion. Not by accenuating the highs or thickening the bass or coloring the sound like every other cable I have had.
What you dont get from these cables is that fake air and halo shimmer that does not exist on the recording. If your equipment is up to it you start to hear things that sound real. Real cymbol splashes, real drum strikes e.t.c
It sound contradictory I know. But this is the magic that Rick Scultz has managed to come up with.
For the first time I would say this cable really is neutral, but it does neutral by removing distortion. Not by accenuating the highs or thickening the bass or coloring the sound like every other cable I have had.
What you dont get from these cables is that fake air and halo shimmer that does not exist on the recording. If your equipment is up to it you start to hear things that sound real. Real cymbol splashes, real drum strikes e.t.c