Brand preference and opinions

Like cars with many brands, it is generally considered that Mercedes Benz, BMW, Lexus, Audi, Acura, Rolls Royce, Porsche, etc... to be in the top group. Ferrari, Lamborgini, Mclaren, etc... to be in the elite group and of course Toyota, Honda, Ford, Nissan, etc... to be in the general group.
Getting back to audio, I am looking for your opinion as to what is in the top group. For example, I think Conrad Johnson, Mcintosh, Mark Levinson, etc... brands to be in this group.
I like your opinion what would be in general the top brands for this group in the order of what is considered higher level.
My reasoning.... I am considering buying a amp/preamp or integrated amp based on brand only just like some people who buys a low end Benz for the prestige even though they could have had a higher end Lexus for the same money
Shsu... what kind of speakers are you using? If it's just about easy resale, then VAC, Audio Research, VTL, McIntosh can all be easily resold IF you buy them at the right price. Pay for the bluebook, it'll give you a good idea of what you could probably resell for. In general, I've found that you have to price right at or slightly below bluebook to resell a piece. This is a generalization that doesn't always hold true. Best bet is to watch and see what pieces sell for and how quickly...
BOSE 5.1 driven by Mark Levinson gear - you want people talking ???????? with this combo they surely will.....for a very, very long time.
Good Luck
Pass Labs, Balanced Audio Technologies, Cary, Audio Research, Lamm, EMM, Dynaudio, Wilson, Krell, Levison, Rowland, B&W, Theta.

You could do much worse