At line level, at 2vrms which a cdp hardly ever hits, even with peaks, you get .2% of 2nd harmonic which is pleasing to the ear, and as we know with tube amps this can be 10 x this figure.
All tech info/graphs and circuits can be found at this site which is more for the diy'er in which I give all info on how to make one yourself, sounds as though you maybe capable, you should try it, and maybe be converted.
Even Nelson Pass has designed a buffer in this diy thread for the Lightspeed so it can drive his low input impedance amps which some are 20k and 10k.
It is a massive thread 100x more than this one with over 4,000 posts with some pretty knowledgeable tech guys giving their input for the diy'ers.
Cheers George
All tech info/graphs and circuits can be found at this site which is more for the diy'er in which I give all info on how to make one yourself, sounds as though you maybe capable, you should try it, and maybe be converted.
Even Nelson Pass has designed a buffer in this diy thread for the Lightspeed so it can drive his low input impedance amps which some are 20k and 10k.
It is a massive thread 100x more than this one with over 4,000 posts with some pretty knowledgeable tech guys giving their input for the diy'ers.
Cheers George