Experts: Why is preamp important?

I know that's a naive question, but the real question is how important a preamp upgrade is relative to the rest of a system. I've heard the statement "a preamp owns the signal", but I don't know what that really means in terms of ultimate sound. For example, is preamp to amp like a transport to a dac, whereby most people would contend that a great dac with a cheap transport can still sound great? I've upgraded my front speakers in a HT system to B&W n803s/HTM1. I currently use a 130wpc Pioneer VSX49tx HT receiver. Obviously I can get better sound from better amplification, and I'm considering a separate integrated amp for the fronts. But the question is can I still make a great improvement using the pioneer's pre-outs to a much better amplifier? Where should I really spend my money? Thanks much. This forum has been tremendously helpful, and I'm sure this thread will do the same.
preamp functions:

1) provide volume control
2) input switching
3) provide any needed gain or attenuation
4) and least understood- control the interconnect cable between amp and preamp to minimize the effect of the cable. Most sources cannot do this BTW.
Atmasphere, Would you please elaborate on point 4. I would like to understand that function better. In some applications I have found "source direct to amplifier" less than satisfying.

"4) and least understood- control the interconnect cable between amp and preamp to minimize the effect of the cable. Most sources cannot do this BTW."

Thank you.
Others have covered what a preamp does so let's turn to what you might do with your system.

In higher end systems the preamp becomes a more dominant component in determining the ultimate sound quality. Recievers and surround processors are not very good sounding when compared with good analog two channel preamps. Besides being designed and optimized for "theater" rather than music, they are loaded with RF producing digital components that negatively affect the analog signals. Even the best digital surround preamps from companies like Meridian do not equal the sound of many dedicated two channel analog preamps.

Your best bet would be to get a high quality analog preamp and run the pre-outs from your receiver to a processor input (or any unused input- it's not that complicated at all).

Next, purchase either a very good multichannel amp that is capable of being an impressive two channel amp for your mains, or get a separate dedicated two channel amp for your mains and use the receiver's built-in amplification to drive the center and rear speakers.

All of this assumes that you really value listening to music in two channel and want to make a major upgrade to that part of your system.
I'm running a somewhat parallel thread in this forum under another heading, but the same issue has now arisen. Am I wrong in my assumption that the pre-outs will contain the rcvr's processed signal? If I run that into another preamp, am I not getting essentially a "double processed" signal ultimately going to amp? Or does the last preamp clean up and control the ultimate signal to the amp? Dave: don't lose sight of my 2-3k budget. Assuming what I asked above is not a problem, is it worth splitting the budget to get lesser preamp and amp combo, or use it all on a really good amp now and maybe next year get a good preamp?
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