Cello Audio Palette/EQ

I know that Cello is no longer in service. But does anyone know of a "top notch" EQ like the Cello Audio Palette? Yes I know a lot of "Audiophiles" don't like EQs so no flaming please.

Thanks McFarland and Ramy for your comments. Yes I would love to have an Audio Palette as I have tons of recordings that doesn't sound good, but I love the artist and material. Will look at the Accuphase as well.
I have a Suite, but don't own a audio Pallete for I think it is priced too high. After researching for a Class A eq, I decided to give Avalon AD2055 a trial. It works fine. Although it is not as fansy as Pallete, 4 parametric adjustment vs 6, Avalon performs just as fine as it. Of course, it also depends on your speakers system. Philip
I believe there is a Palette up for sale here at Gon currently. You might also want to check out FM Acoustics stuffs.. they make great linearizer too.