Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges

I'm coming over from SS land and new to tubes so hope you guys can help me. I'm considering getting a flea powered SET amp to go with my Shindo Aurieges preamp. The Shindo SET are out of my reach at the moment so I'm looking for alternatives that will mate will with the Shindo's high output impedance (5,000 Ohms) and also do it justice. Is there anything out there for about $2K used that would fit the bill? I listen to a wide variety of music - from jazz to electronic and large orchestral pieces so I'm looking for something with a velvet hammer with good control over the bass if thats possible. I've been considering the Audio Note Quests, is this a good match and are there any other suggestions?
My suggestion is hook up with the yahoo SET forum group, they'll have most of the answers your after. I never could get my arms wrapped around the SET's, but love the lower watt push-pulls using el84's, sweet, sweet mid's...you should probably give a listen to both types if you can, as you can get a nice amp going in either direction with $2k to spend.

good luck, lwood
Hi Mikey,

You haven't mentioned what your speakers are and their efficiency/load curve, that is the biggest determining factor of what SET amp(s) to get. Also, knowing your room size, listening distance, and volume levels would help, too.

Let us know and I'm sure we can give you several suggestions that perform well within your budget.