Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges

I'm coming over from SS land and new to tubes so hope you guys can help me. I'm considering getting a flea powered SET amp to go with my Shindo Aurieges preamp. The Shindo SET are out of my reach at the moment so I'm looking for alternatives that will mate will with the Shindo's high output impedance (5,000 Ohms) and also do it justice. Is there anything out there for about $2K used that would fit the bill? I listen to a wide variety of music - from jazz to electronic and large orchestral pieces so I'm looking for something with a velvet hammer with good control over the bass if thats possible. I've been considering the Audio Note Quests, is this a good match and are there any other suggestions?
Hi Mikeyc8,

No the upgraded parts can be added when the speaker is built per Bob Brines. He'll give you the specifications and you can order the caps, resistors and inductors from a number of places and have them shipped too him... Or he will order them for you.

He makes several models. The LT-2000s are one of the most sensitive. More sensitive than my FTA's. It will be tough to audition these speakers. They do not sound like other SDs. Because of the BSC circuit and Mass loaded transmission line used, they are of a different breed.

So do not confuse them with the basic SD..they aren't the same at all.

I know of one owner that has the same speaker as mine. One of his former speakers, if I'm not mistaken was the same speaker you have now. Believe it or not I remember him stating his FTA's had bass just as deep or deeper than the Avant Gardes.

So do not dismiss until you hear for yourself. There are different definitions for great bass. My definition of great bass is deep, articulate and realistic.

These speakers do not have bass humps engineered in them to add wow factor. They don't flap your pant legs either. It is more of a subterranean type bass they produce. It is the foundation of the music not the highlight of it.

So as far as saying goodbye to bass...you would be mistaken.
I know for a fact my Single 8 inchers mated to 14 wpc SET produce more and better bass than a pair of Paradigm Signatures 8's using eight bass drivers powered by a Bryston 4B SST producing 500 wpc into 4 ohms..no B.S. !

No the SDs won't play as loud as the 8's, but at sane SPLs they'll wipe the floor with them!

So every time I see statements about how you need big watts and multiple drivers to produce good bass...I laugh! I'm more than happy to prove them wrong.

My FTA's are no larger than the Paradigm Signature S8's. Although they may weigh a bit more than the S8's and not as pretty.

JohnK here on the Gon also builds very nice SDs. Beautifully built in fact! You could contact him and pick his brain as well.

He's a very nice guy that will take the time to answer your questions.
Gmood: your description of the Brines is amazing and I've emailed Bob Brines for more info. Although what you describe is exactly what I'm looking for, I'd hate to buy them without hearing them first. I don't suppose you live within reasonable driving distance of Toronto? :) When you say they don't sound like other SD speakers because of the BSC do you mean that your speakers sound different from the other Brines speakers or SD speakers in general? What exactly does the BSC? I'm kinda leaning to the LTs since I have a smaller room and need the higher sensitivity. Does the BSC work on the LTs as well?
Another tube friendly single driver with great bass, that is made closer to you, is the Gemme Audio VAVICE made in Montreal. So you might find a dealer close by.

I have the Tanto which employs the same Vflex technology, and the same cabinet I believe.

Not only bass :) These speakers disappear as a sound stage of music flows out from a musical bass foundation, to die for mids, and on the the high end. Worth a listen.
thanks for the tip Springnr, the Gemmes also sound very interesting, 20 to 20K from a 4" driver!!! I'll have to look into them also.
All of Bob Brine's speakers use baffle step correction circuits installed.

You can read about the BSC on his site. When I say they do not sound like most SDs it is because of the BSC and the mass loaded transmission line.

Unfortunately I'm in the the southeast. You would be more than welcomed to come over for a listen if I were near. I totally understand wanting to hear before you buy. I took the same chance..it paid off for me.

The few that I know that own these speakers are scattered. Two in California, one in Wisconsin and Ohio, and two in New York city. Mijknarf here on the Gon has a pair of the LTs that he seems to enjoy. They replaced Green Mountain audio Callistos .

You could ask him his impressions of this model. Bob's speakers have a very smooth and well behaved frequency response compared to most SDs. They do not have that signature shout some complain about.

This is one of the reasons it is so hard for me to find a speaker to replace them. I like a speaker that I can listen too all day long without fatigue. There are few that I could live with for a long period of time because of the way they are designed.

If you are accustom to tipped up highs or 50 Hz bass humps..you'll be bored with these speakers. They'll only give you the bass if it is in the recording. Their not going to make up for a recording that is overly compressed.

You can add a tweeter if you desire more air. I find for my taste this is unnecessary.

Those Gemme Audio VAVICE sound quite interesting as well!