Flea SET amp for Shindo Aurieges

I'm coming over from SS land and new to tubes so hope you guys can help me. I'm considering getting a flea powered SET amp to go with my Shindo Aurieges preamp. The Shindo SET are out of my reach at the moment so I'm looking for alternatives that will mate will with the Shindo's high output impedance (5,000 Ohms) and also do it justice. Is there anything out there for about $2K used that would fit the bill? I listen to a wide variety of music - from jazz to electronic and large orchestral pieces so I'm looking for something with a velvet hammer with good control over the bass if thats possible. I've been considering the Audio Note Quests, is this a good match and are there any other suggestions?
Another tube friendly single driver with great bass, that is made closer to you, is the Gemme Audio VAVICE made in Montreal. So you might find a dealer close by.

I have the Tanto which employs the same Vflex technology, and the same cabinet I believe.

Not only bass :) These speakers disappear as a sound stage of music flows out from a musical bass foundation, to die for mids, and on the the high end. Worth a listen.
thanks for the tip Springnr, the Gemmes also sound very interesting, 20 to 20K from a 4" driver!!! I'll have to look into them also.
All of Bob Brine's speakers use baffle step correction circuits installed.

You can read about the BSC on his site. When I say they do not sound like most SDs it is because of the BSC and the mass loaded transmission line.

Unfortunately I'm in the the southeast. You would be more than welcomed to come over for a listen if I were near. I totally understand wanting to hear before you buy. I took the same chance..it paid off for me.

The few that I know that own these speakers are scattered. Two in California, one in Wisconsin and Ohio, and two in New York city. Mijknarf here on the Gon has a pair of the LTs that he seems to enjoy. They replaced Green Mountain audio Callistos .

You could ask him his impressions of this model. Bob's speakers have a very smooth and well behaved frequency response compared to most SDs. They do not have that signature shout some complain about.

This is one of the reasons it is so hard for me to find a speaker to replace them. I like a speaker that I can listen too all day long without fatigue. There are few that I could live with for a long period of time because of the way they are designed.

If you are accustom to tipped up highs or 50 Hz bass humps..you'll be bored with these speakers. They'll only give you the bass if it is in the recording. Their not going to make up for a recording that is overly compressed.

You can add a tweeter if you desire more air. I find for my taste this is unnecessary.

Those Gemme Audio VAVICE sound quite interesting as well!