Nuforce 9 SEV2 mated to Transporter - what pre?

I had my Nuforces for about 5 months now. I am thrilled at how these amps simply lack any sonic signature I can detect. Whatever I put around them simply seems gets amplified. Sorry I can't descibe what I'm hearing properly. Dead silence then music, all of it. But something is still missing.

I'd been using a SB3 that I modded and now own a Transporter. After a considerable amount of critical listening I have come to the conclusion that as clean and dynamic this combo sounds, it lacks soul. I knew beforehand that the omission of tubes in this setup would have to be addressed. My plan was to send the TP to Modwright and add the tube output stage. Now I've decided that before the TP gets modded, if it does at all, I want a tube preamp. My current setup is no preamp at all. I have some idea's from posts that I've read.

Dodd battery
Audio Horizon 2.1
Modwright 36.5

Thanks for your advice!
Not to hijack my own thread but I find a great number of isolation devices available at many price points. Is the Finite Element Ceraball one of the better ones?
Hi Desalvo55,

I've tried the following and the Finite Element remained the best for this application--Black Diamond racing cones, Vibrapods and cones, Spikes of variuos brand and material, cup-ball-cup variety, wood blocks, sorbathane, cork, etc...

The main thing to remember (in my experience anyway) is that the hard, spiky variety will bring out details where needed. On the other hand, the softer material will provide more warmth and smoothing effect. Know the nature of your components and provide the proper antidotes in the correct dosage. It's all about yin/yang balancing and synergy.


My Reflection Audio Quantum battery powered preamp is essentially on all the time as are the SE's. The ergonomic beauty of this setup is a very low consumption of AC at standby and the only component that needs to be turned on is the front end component to be used.

Personally, I'd stay away from tubes, A used Ayre K-1, either of the new Jeff Rowland's.

Well the performance of the AH 2.1 and the Dodd are as close as a C hair,simply a matter of choice.I have an AH and I'm very satisfied with the performance,especially at the price point.Interestingly enough,and I say this because someone else commented in this thread, the latest Rowland ss pre amp,Capri,is supposed to be a winner and equals or betters a REF 3.
"I like the Dodd because I don't need a high dollar power cable and it seems to possess dead quite simplicity. I wish it had balanced connectors and a HT bypass but still workable."

The Dodd battery pre has HT bypass as a standard feature. What the heck r u talking about?

I like mine quite a bit....