Promitheus Audio TVC Dual Box passive preamp at about $800-$900 is the absolute " Killer ". I simplly don't know of anything better for that kind of money. There are few reports from the press but what you need to read is the experiances from the users on AC forum. Those are in regards to the older version of TVC preamp. But it is this new all out , statment piece that you want to get. It can be also ordered with parts of your choice as well as ins and outs...that being RCAs or Balance. What is even more interesting - their new four of five channel passive preamp for SACD of HT.....This is the one I am getting to complement my stereo rig. It also can be build to your specifications and taste. Unbelievable value and performance. I can not see how someone could go wrong with TVC as it is simplly stuning. It is one of those secrets that no one is talking about........but cat is out of the bag , so just enjoy and be prepered for the ride of your life. And don't forget to fasten your seat belts.
Happy listening and enjoy the music
Happy listening and enjoy the music