Transporter to Nuforce 9 SeV2 preamp search

I'm curious what the knowledgeable folks here can offer with regards to mating a good pre between 3K and 5K to my already great sounding setup?

So what's missing? Air, image depth, vocal warmth.
Radiohead sounded amazing last night, as does most of what I listen to. I'm really having fun with this combo! I know it can get much better and not having a pre (other than my Onkyo PR-SC885P) it's also a nuisance since I have to flip switches on the back of Nuforces (balanced to RCA) and often move cables to accommadate my HT setup.

I Love many forms of music and value all aspects of the musical experience.

My research has led me to the Modwright LS 36.5 and the Parasound JC-2. I see many folks seem to enjoy the Nu Horizons 2.1. Dodd is also a consideration.

Problems I foresee is the HT bypass. I would hate to limit my search to only HT bypass units but if there's a good one or an alternative to this problem, well, am all ears.
Thanks for your feedback.
I like my Modwright SWL9.0SE Signature. I haven't heard the 36.5 preamp, but I sure like my Modwright! It is very transparent.
here's a second nod for the Modwright SWL9.0 Signature...I'm using that with my nuforce ref 9v2SEs and am very happy. They are mated to Vienna Acoustics Beethovan speakers and the combination brings out a new level of performance from the Beethovan's that I didn't think was possible.

I have not heard the Modwright LS 36.5, but would imagine it bests the SWL9.0...

I heard the modwright 36.5 on a very different system. I tried to glean what I could from my listening experience. Spatial cues and transparency are what I'm trying to improve upon. The 36.5 at 4K may be the ticket. The Sig 9 might work great as well for 1K less. Decisions..

Any other thoughts?
Thanks for your replies!