Best Power amps in $7000 range

It seems impossible to narrow down all the good choices. I feel overwhelmed because I want to purchase a 300-400w amp in the $7000 range and there are so many options. I want it to be my last power amp purchase for at least the next 20 years. I've considered Bryston, Classe, Mcintosh, and Parasound. This list is compiled of components I can purchase locally. Any thoughts or impressions on any of these? I've heard bryston in the past and thought they sounded kind of bright, it could've been the setup thought. I currently am using a Classe CA-300 and really like it but I want to replace it due to age. I have no experience with parasound or Mcintosh.
I'm using Usher cp-6371's in an approx. 550sq/ft rectangular room

What with 7" woofers and you want a 400 watt amp to drive them?

I'd upgrade speakers first before getting such a high powered beast - more mileage to be had there IMHO.

...just two cents.
Third the Moscode 401 HR. Great amp with ss power and tube warmth, timbre. Well built, reliable and you have $2K left over.
Check out Mike Elliott's products: Counterpoint NP100/NP220, or Aria amps. I spent about $7K on NP100 with all the upgrades. It is an amazing amp and drives my Focal JMlab Alto Utopia with ease.
any of the older conrad johnson amps, using el 34 or 6550 output tubes and 6fq7 tubes. examples include mv 75, mv 100, mv 125, and premier 4.