Musical Fidelity M6-500i vs Kw - 500

Hello guys
I was browsing around the web today and stumbled across
the latest Super Integrated from Musical Fidelity .
This is a 500wpc into 8ohm beast similar in power to the limited edition Kw -500 , Some changes are evident between these models , The older Kw -500 has an external power supply and MM phono stage and single ended inputs only
along with 6112 milspec valves in the pre -amp section.
The Kw -500 was made in England.
The M6 - 500i has line level inputs only with 1 set of balanced inputs no valves appear to be in this unit making it solid state , The power supply of the M6-500 is onboard . The m6 -500i is made in Taiwan.
Has anyone else compared these two units ? Seems they each have advantages depending on your system setup.
I wonder if the new M6-500i would be much better ?
Hi Mate The Manual says mm only but if you remove the top plate cover and look inside to the rear there is indeed a mm/mc switch , have no reason to explain the non info in the manual.
except that M/F go to lengths to demand you not open the unit as warranty will be void , i believe they would expect you to take it to a technician to perform this simple task
Just a thought : ) enjoy your unit they are indeed wonderful.
I really Doubt that you can upgrade the KW500 to have balanced imputs. Anyway, why the trouble? Unless you will use 20' plus inteconnects ther is really no advantage in going balanced. I have played with a Threshold T2 and a Mark Levinson 360 Preamp and never managed to hear a difference between balanced and regular inputs. This in MHO of course.
I just put in an offer for the KW-500 and I am stoked! Great deal on a 10 year High end amp. I will post comments once I get the thing.
Hi I have been sitting on one of these units for a while now finally picking up speakers that need the power. Curious about what carts are being used with mm or mc. 
