Up grading power amp... Mono blocks or stereo amp?

I am thinking of upgrading my Rogue Audio ST-90 power amp.
My System: Rogue Audio Persious Pre amp, the st-90 powere amp, Krell SACD Standard CD player, Pro-ject 10 Turntable w/ Shelter MK II cartridge, Straight wire Interconects and Speaker cables, And B&W 803s speakers. This amp is nice but I think I could get an amp that is more quite, richer, and a bit more powerful. I was thinking about the Rogue Mono Blocks. What are the advantages/disadvantages of Mono Blocks versus a stereo amp? And yes, I want to stay w/ tubes.
Doug - the Rogue 150's are excellent monos and will be a very nice upgrade for you. They are dead quiet, have great presence and will give you very good, controlled, pitch precise low frequencies - something a lot of tube amps do not do well. The reasons some people shy away from mono amps are needing two amp stands, power cords, wall outlets, etc. ENJOY!
Advantages/disadvantages of monos vs. stereo amps are: Advantage Mono: Better seperation and isolation per channel. Advantage Stereo: Cost.
Now this may seem simple, but I currently replaced my $12K monoblock amps with a $10K stereo amp that just plain sounds better.

In your price range though, I would think that you could find a nice pair of Quicksilver V4 monoblocks that should do all that you ask and be a nice upgrade from the Rogue.
