Cayin A-88T vs Cary SLI-80 Signature

Has anyone done an A/B comparison on these two amps?
Thanks and good listening!
I owned both- for extended periods.

Cary SLI-80 by a mile- and don't sell it once you get it :)
It has been a couple of years but the SLi-80 seemed to be a little more extended and clearer with a touch more detail . This comparing was done on a couple of different VS speakers which I find a little too warm for my taste .

I ended up with the Cayin and a pair of De Capo i's , purchased at the same time . I got a good deal on the Cayin which is why I bought it . Had I known how difficult the Cayin was to bias I would have opted for the Cary .

Myself and a few others could hear the difference but , for me , it was not enough to warrant the large difference in price . I have refered to the 88T as the poormans SLi-80 .

Good luck .