bullet proof amp

I need a bullet proof amp to put into my shop where many people could use it,some not so careful, that can drive 4 speakers. vintage preferred.
Outlaw amps are bulletproof. Any short and they shut down and reset when turned back on. I am ashamed to say that I have accidently "tested" them and they are very forgiving, as well as affordable.
What speakers?They best be Klipsch or an easy load.Look at a Mac perhaps.Do you have a preamp?I bet not,anyway,look for a Mac or Marantz receiver,a good one will run 3-700$ depending.....make sure it has good ventilation.....be prepared to lose 2 of those speakers if whatever you get runs hot......sounds like fun,good luck,Bob
Can purchase a good used one on Audiogon and still have
the remaining warranty.