Classe CAM-200..need good Pre-Amp

My speakers are Verity "Fidelios", Classe CAM-200 mono amps and Audio Research CD-3 CD player.
Here's my possible choices for changing my system in the power end.
1. CAM-200 mono amps and BAT's VK3iX/SE pre-amp
2. BAT's VK-250/SE solid state amp and BAT's VK3ix/SE pre-amp
3. Sim Audio's 'Moon i7' integrated amp.

I'd like to hear from anyone that's heard or has owned any of these combos.
I'm trying to decide whether to keep my CAM-200's and get a good pre-amp...or sell amp and pre to get a great integrated amp.
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I like Classe amps in general. I'd look for a second hand matching Classe pre-amp in your price range to start.
Ericjcabrera - While I have not owned Classe, I have been able to audition their amps and preamps on several occasions and found them to be smooth, powerful, non fatiguing and a good overall value. I've owned two entry level pcs from BAT and found them to be fatiguing and have since moved on to gear I like better. My most recent find is an inexpensive vintage Forte 3A amp ($450), which in retrospect far outperformed my previous stint with a BAT VK200 from several years ago. I'm sure BAT makes some great gear, especially their tube amps... I just was not that satisfied with the entry level BAT gear I owned years ago.
The Classe CP50 sounded incredible in my system. I am sure the new version CP500 or CP65 are equally good if not better. The other option I would recommend is the McIntosh C46 or C42 depending on your budget. As good as my CP50 was, the C42 is better still. These are the ones I would look at.
