Power amp Suggestions for Dunlavy SC-IV

I'm picking up a used pair of SC-IV for a mastering room in my home. Admittedly I'm from a Pro Audio and Recording studio background and am largely unaware of many of the obscure and esoteric audiophile brands and topologies. I was planning on powering them with a Bryston 4B initially, but started looking at used amps and was overwhelmed by the selection. Using the 4b as a point of reference what other amps would people recommend <$2k used.

Some that I have considered are the Krell KSA 250, Older Levinson ML3.
I even have an old set of Marantz Model 5 monoblocks in the storage room, though I suspect they are way too under powered for the Dulavy's.

Thanks and forgive my ignorance.

Trinculo, like Pryso, I have a pair of the Duntech Princess speakers that were made by John Dunlavy in Australia and I am driving them also with a pair of JC-1 monos. Years ago I was using a Rowland Model 5 ss amp to drive them. It was some of the best sound that I ever had and sometimes I wish that I had never traded it. You probably can buy one used within your budget. I recommend that it is worth trying to find one.
I'm looking at this thread as an old Duntech Princess owner who seriously considered Dunlavy's and listened to them a lot. My general observation is that Duntechs sounded better with solid state amplification (it controlled the woofers better, and the older Duntechs had a slightly warmer tonal balance than the Dunlavys--Rowland stuff in particular and some of the Krell Class A amps were a beautiful match with them), and Dunlavys sounded better with tubed amplification (I heard them with VTL, ARC and VAC amplification, among others--the slight warmth of the tubes made them a little more listenable). However, you implied in the start of the thread that you wanted to use the Dunlavys for mastering; for that purpose the Bryston or Mac amps might be a better choice, even though, as Shadorne aptly pointed out, they might sound a little unforgiving. For pleasure, I wouldn't necessarily choose them, but they put out a lot of clean, undistorted power that would certainly suit a mastering studio application.
Absolutely no need for subwoofer(s) unless you like bass. The SCIVs go down to about 70hz then begin to roll off. Low powered tube amps would be a great match. But YOU WILL NEED A SUB.
I had a pair of sc3's and ran them successfully with cary slam 100's (90 watts trode) with excellant results.
I used Dulavys for 10 years with a Krell FPB 600 starting with the IVs and ending up with the Vs. They worked well with the Krell and a BAT VK51se though occasionally this combination got a little bright. My wife could no longer tolerate the size and appearance of the Vs and I have such switched to the Vandersteen 5A which also uses a first order crossover and I love them as well. I do miss the Dunlavys though. Great speakers, great price, great company, and a one of a kind designer who will be sorely missed.