There's macro dynamics (big booms) and micro dynamics (the pluck on a guitar string). I get good dynamics (of both kinds) with my McCormack amp and relatively efficient speakers (@90db efficient).
But I have never heard dynamics (of both types) done better than with highly efficient speakers e.g. Klipshorns (105db efficiency). These are driven with 2 watt SET amps, which nobody would consider dynamic on anything less than Klipshorns. Of course they have other drawbacks that are not particularly suited to my tastes, but you can't fault them in the dynamics department.
So, my gut says that dynamcis are more of a function of the speaker efficiency than anything else, as long as there is an amp with sufficient headroom to drive them. However I don't think you would get the same result with a 1000 watt amp and 87db efficient speakers.
But I have never heard dynamics (of both types) done better than with highly efficient speakers e.g. Klipshorns (105db efficiency). These are driven with 2 watt SET amps, which nobody would consider dynamic on anything less than Klipshorns. Of course they have other drawbacks that are not particularly suited to my tastes, but you can't fault them in the dynamics department.
So, my gut says that dynamcis are more of a function of the speaker efficiency than anything else, as long as there is an amp with sufficient headroom to drive them. However I don't think you would get the same result with a 1000 watt amp and 87db efficient speakers.