07-30-15: Maril555
Of course these companies have quite different designs. It is audibly evident.
That is what I was trying to convey in my original post.
Owners claim neutral sound of both designs, but in practice, they clearly "sound" different.
It gets really cloudy when you mix and match technologies....and this is where a lot of audiophules get lost in the forrest (with the only thing guiding them being a manufacturer's transcendent and vague mysticism). Just repeat the word "quantum" a few times like a mantra, and our eyes glaze over and out come the wallets.....:)
Here are some examples. You decide:
1. SRA:
The primary damping material is a “very sensitive thermal reactive copolymer,” according to Tellekamp, who I suddenly imagined wearing a white lab coat. He didn’t scratch his chin and look sideways at me when he said it, but he could have. He went on, “This patented material has the ability to change darometer --- its hardness and softness --- very rapidly.”
I looked rapidly startled, and Kevin pounced. “Think of Jell-O as it moves from a liquid to a solid --- it’s the same idea.” He checked to see how I was taking it. Pretty well, actually. “The liquid state is only possible in an air-free environment. Air contains water, of course, which would act like a hardener and make our damping compounds appear --- and feel --- like foam.
I looked startled again, so Tellekamp went in for the kill: “Yup, we assemble our stands under a nitrogen blanket --- air free --- so all the stands are air free & airtight.”
2. Stillpoints:
Stillpoints Technology
systems are about resonance
control and low mass, as mass means energy storage and that is anathema
to them.
The Ultra appears to have two parts: the main cylindrical structure and a loose-fitting “cap” on the end. It is actually composed of ten internal components that form an elaborate vibration-dissipation system. The internal structure includes tiny ceramic bearings that dissipate micro-vibrations. The Ultra is a two-way device, meaning that it dissipates vibration entering from either direction (from the floor or from the component resting on the Ultra). Moreover, there is no vertical path for vibration through the Ultra. This device is the highest implementation of Stillpoints’ technology, which is reflected in the price—$900 for a set of four. An aluminum version, identical in every way except for the metal, is $640 for a set of four. According to Stillpoints, stainless-steel more quickly dissipates vibrational energy.
3. SS:
ive-Vibe Technology™ is based on the science of resonance energy transfer via a high-speed calculated conductive pathway to earth's ground maintaining vibrations a state of constant motion and creating a more efficient result.
2. The technical term applied to the study of vibration in High End Audio is "Isolation" which is one of many methods of treating the ill effects of signal degradation caused from vibration.The category topic of Isolation fails to differentiate there are other or more favorable applications and terminologies dealing in vibration management.
Isolate - To prevent a circuit or device from interacting with another or with an outside stimulus.
If we isolate vibration in any instrument we restrict operational efficiency and functionality in performance.
Why invest in a costly component or loudspeaker if the intention is to smother its sonic capability?
It is our opinion that the Audio Community should change this miss represented category title and begin calling it Vibration Management. One can never totally isolate or control vibration but there are sciences that can 'Manage' it.
The information and white papers provided here is the backbone of our technology and success and yes we have confidence in a completely opposite approach to the long time beliefs, understandings and technical methodologies applied to vibration management in audio.
It's new...It's live...and yes it vibrates too. We would not have it any other way hence the name Live-Vibe Technology dictates our passion.
So, you decide which wild eyed mystic you want to follow....:)