DeHavilland UltraVerve or Shindo Aurieges?

I am trying to decide which of the two would best suit a system that I am going putting together. It will consist of:

Speakers: VMPS
Amplifier: NuForce
Interconnects: DIY silver

Which would you recommend?
The Shindo is very good and hard to beat for the money. It would make that system much more musical for sure and I would bet it could use it.
I can't speak for the Dehavilland but everyone that's heard my Aurieges has loved it. Just keep in mind that the impedance on it is quite high, 5,000 Ohms, so you have to be careful about matching amps with it.
It works with just about every tube amp I've ever come across. Most tube amps have a 100K ohm input impedance- no problem. Its just not a concern. The alternative to lower the output impedance of a tube pre is add more tubes or add an output transformer. More tubes is not an option sonically. Ouytput transformers are a great option but they cost.
The speakers (VMPS RM30M) are 4 ohms, the preamp (Shindo Aurieges) is 5K and the amp (NuForce 9SE V.2) is 45K. I'm afraid I am not good with impedance matching - does anyone know of any good books or sites that explain it well?

I've done a bit of reading already and I am now confused as to what gauge wire I should use for the interconnects (30 gauge not large enough?).

Does the above system match well enough impedance-wise?