DeHavilland UltraVerve or Shindo Aurieges?

I am trying to decide which of the two would best suit a system that I am going putting together. It will consist of:

Speakers: VMPS
Amplifier: NuForce
Interconnects: DIY silver

Which would you recommend?
I use a DeHavilland Mercury II with my NuForce 9 SE V2 amps, and the combination is stunning. There's one for sale right now for $1995 on Audiogon.
Old thread, but I'd love to hear some new responses.

I just sold an Aurieges-L (dumbly) and now have an amp that would be compatible with its 5k ohm output impedance. (Decware Torii 3)

How would the dehavilland fair?
Hi Gopher, as I may have mentioned to you.I had an Augieges- L.

The Shindo replaced my deHavilland Ultra-Verve.
I'm a big fan of deHavilland and love Kara's 845 amps but I found the Shindo pre to be superior in my system at the time.

As for the dehavilland Mercury that was mentioned in Yoby's post.I have not heard it but friends and one dealer that went to RMAF suggested that I look into obtaining one.
They thought it was really good.

How is your new additions sounding ??
I haven't tried their preamp or given it serious consideration though I probably should. I've grown to dislike OTL amplification and I assume I won't care for it in a preamp as well--maybe I need to ditch the prejudice and give it a fair shot as the Torii is awesome.

Interesting to hear--I'll remove the Ultra-Verves from consideration. The Shindo was something special, and I'm an ass to have sold it. I will likely end up re-purchasing one.

I have been meaning to drop you a line, Golden! The Vimac as working out well for me. Really helped to clean up my midrange and I'm getting deeper, tighter bass then ever. I tried a pair of GIK Tri traps in the same position they are in and honestly didn't note much of a difference--both improved my sound similarly. I'm pleased.

My new amp is kicking some tail as well. I'm surprised to report I'm not missing my 845 SETs. This el34 push pull amplifier is darn competent!