Emotiva Amps

Has anyone heard this gear yet? Sounds to good to be true.
A.H. has no real place in serious Hi-Fi but thats just my opinion, its more a club of "yes-men" and not really a subjective open minded forum.
Sure A.H is not a subjective silly forum, they are actually an objective forum trying to educate uninformed people like you who know nothing about engineering
Yes, the land of let's test a small two way bookshelf speaker in a 5000ft3 room and that all amps sound the same.
Hello... there are plenty of less experienced users at many audio forum sites including Audioholics... however, let's not dilute the subject of this thread with irrelevant things.

Emotiva makes great stuff and they are basically the cheapest play on the market for real hifi electronics. My future brother in law (I'm engaged) has recently gotten into audio, and bought their XPA2 amp and their RSP 2 preamp.

No, this isn't boulder, and it also isn't Halcro. There is better stuff out there, but it costs more. However, for $1,500 new for the combo, it sounds fantastic. Nice open, clear, dynamic sound.

Where else can you get a NEW 250WPC into 8 (500WPC into 4) amp, and full featured preamp (including phono, balanced to the amp) for $1,500? I don't think there's a single competitor who can do this for the price. Good build quality, and good sound throughout.
They're for real. They were my first foray into hi-fi. Great company with personable customer service, a 40% discount for current customers who buy their next gen gear (pre/pros only) and a fine line of low cost, well engineered electronics. the price cuts come from dealing internet direct and manufacturing done in China. Their forum is at emotivalounge dot com.

i concur about audioholics, though. i used to read that all the time but now am convinced its a club started by nerds with no money who couldn't get into the prom.