Shindo lab pre amps

Has anyone heard or compared the Shindo Voshne Romanee or Masseto to better pre amps like the Art2 or 3, Lamm L2, Ref3,Vtl 7.5 or any of the better pre amps that may come to mind. I heard the Voshne at CSA audio and was very impressed but had nothing with which to compare it, but it was very musical sounding and the one of the salesmen even said tha he sold his Lamm and bought the Masseto after comparing them.
I have heard the Shindo and the Lamm L2 at CSA and also preferred the Shindo. Both are excellent, but the Shindo has a little more of the tube virtues (space, natural bloom, etc.) that I value highly than the Lamm did. That would make some sense, as the Lamm really is a solid state unit in the signal path, though it doesn't sound it in comparison to most gear. And FWIW, I preferred the Lamm to the Conrad Johnson and VTL preamps that they used to have at CSA in the past, just seemed a little more natural sounding. Just keep in mind that in my experience the Shindo sounds best with shorter interconnect runs to its partnering amplifier(s)--when I tried it in my system while my Jadis was in for repairs, my 40 foot interconnect runs made it lose a lot of its magic, nice sounding but not great like I have heard it sound at CSA.
For what its worth, a dealer once related that they had a shootout and the lowly Aurieges blew away several highly regarded and more expensive pre's such as the Ref 3 and a Spectral. In his words, the Ref 3 sounded "broken" compared to the Aurieges. I can only imagine that the the higher end Shindos sound even better.
I've owned and heard many high-end preamps over the years. Most were very good but not until I owned and worked my way up the Shindo line of preamps did I realize how important an absolute top-notch preamp is to the overall sound of your system. Check-out my system. You will see the most expensive piece of gear I own is the Shindo Vosne-Romanee preamp.
I currently have the Vosne Romanee. I previously had the Hovland HP100, traded that for the Lamm LL2 and then that for the Lamm L2 which is a very good detailed preamp. After a few years with the L2 I changed to the Wyetech Opal which I found as detailed but with more bloom. I finally traded the Wyetech for the Massetto which I found to be every bit as good as the Wyetech but had better texture and nuance. I recently traded in my Massetto for the Vosne Romanee not expecting the difference to be that great. I was mistaken as there was a hugh improvement from the Massetto which took the virtues of the Massetto and provided much more of everything. The VR sounds very much like music. I can only imagine what the Giscours or Petrus must sound like. I found for best results to set on a wooden base and use the Shindo cabling. The tonality is right on with a you are there quality that is hard to describe. Sbayne is right. A top notch preamp can transform a system and IMHO none that I have heard does this better than the VR.