New Linn Majik-i or Naim Nait 5i with Linn Ninkas

Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade my current system which consists of Linn Ninka speakers with a Rotel RA-1062 and Sony DVP-NS9100ES.

I hear great things about the Naim Nait 5i, but not much about the new Linn Majik-I integrated. I would like to stick with an integrated for now. Has anyone heard both?

I'm interested in the Majik-I because it can be expanded with another 2 channel amp to drive my Linn speakers in an active mode which Linn people swear by. It's also a higher price point (doesn't necessarily mean anything) so you would think it would be a performance step above the Nait.

I'm also wondering if anyone can compare the Majik-I to the Majik seperate pre- and power amps. I understand that the integrated is based on these seperates but there must be some shortcuts somewhere.

Thanks for any inputs!
I would upgrade the Linn Ninka first. At the same price range, try a pair of Audio Physic Yara or Spark, a pair of Harbeth HL P3E, or a pair of Dali Ikon 6. All of them are way better Ninka.

I have owned a pair of Ninka for 3 years and during which time I had made every effort to make the Ninka sound better. I even tried the "aktiv" approach recommended by Linn. none worked well and I was never happy with the sound until I changed my speaker to a pair of Audio Physic and later Harbeth.

Don't waste time on making Ninka sound better 'casue it wouldn't. The 'aktiv' approach is also just a marketing thing for Linn. A good quality pair of pre/power can beat any similarly priced 'aktiv' configuration...
Thanks for the inputs. Knownothing...your observations on the Nait are consistant with what you hear everywhere, that it has a great musicality about it. And it's pretty reasonably priced and holds it's value on the used market.

As far as the Linn electronics go, I hadn't really thought about the phono and headphone feature and what they cost to include because I don't need them but it's a good point. I would rather spend less and not have those features.

TAS favorably reviewed the Linn Majik preamp saying that it is very detailed and accurate. I guess compared to a warmer sound like the Nait it may seem sterile to some. And Linn gear is pretty expensive, maybe out of line with it's performance. I was just wondering how the seperates and integrated compare.

I don't have a lot of experience with different gear. I have one 20 year old pair of Linn speakers and now the Ninkas. When I auditioned the first Linns it was an old Nait and it was the best thing I had ever heard! So I think I'll stick with the Ninkas because I'm pretty happy with them.

I have to say there is so much positive feedback on aktive set ups with Linn people that I don't think it's just hype. But with that said to go aktive with new electronics is expensive to the point that there is some serious competition. So I guess I'm leaning more to the Nait at this point as it seems like a really special piece at a reasonable price.
If you don't need the other features, I would buy the Naim. I have heard no other integrated amp at that price point that I like as well as the Nait.

One question. Can you bring your Linn speakers to a dealer and try them with the Naim just to make sure they are a good match? Or try the Naim with your speakers in your home with option to return if for some reason it is a bad match? If you did the former, you could compare your speakers paired with the Nait against other options available at the dealer. Then again, maybe that is a bad idea...($$$)
Well, I'm definitely leaning toward the Naim.

The local Linn and Naim dealers are different. I have a good relationship with the Linn dealer since I've purchased several things from him. I'm sure I could work out a good demo with him. The Naim dealer offered an in-home demo of the Nait and I've never spoken to him before so I guess he's fairly confident I would like it. I don't think they would be mismatched but either way a good demo is possible.

I just can't quite get past the Linn prices, even if their stuff works really well together. For the price of the Majik-i, I could buy the Naim plus a seriously good CDP. For the price of Linn seperates, I could buy the Naim, a CDP, a new 46 inch flatscreen and some Dali speakers!

I know you get what you pay for, but the Naim is a great integrated for the price. So thanks for the advice.